"Free Book Shares How I Earned A D1 Football Scholarship at 5'7" and 150 Pounds...
Without Having To Go To Camps, Have Connections, Or Know Anything About The Recruiting Process."
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“Richie’s story and book lit a fire within me. His drive, passion, and relentless will to succeed was reminiscent of my time at Notre Dame. At 5’7” and 150 pounds, Richie overcame the obstacles and the naysayers to earn a full SEC scholarship and a place in Ole Miss tradition.”
Richie has an inmate ability to get the most out of his talents. Limited physical skills and size were not a roadblock but a driver for hard work, study, and relentless perseverance. He is one of those athletes who may not be the fastest, biggest, or most talented, but through hard work, a never give up attitude, and belief himself, makes believers out of everyone around him. He embodies what coaches look for; someone who comes to practice early and leaves late, spends extra time in the film and weight room, and always left everything on the field. Not only did he find a role on the team, but he made a positive impact. Richie has a bigger heart than Vaught-Hemingway Stadium and our staff agreed 100% that he deserved a full SEC scholarship!
Richie has the fortitude to be successful no matter how difficult the challenge.
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