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How Do I Get A Football Scholarship - Episode 2

How Do I Get A Football Scholarship - Episode 2

October 07, 20243 min read

Securing a football scholarship can be a daunting task, even more so if you’re unsure of the steps to take to stand out in the competitive world of college sports. In this post, we'll explore strategies to enhance your profile, marketing tactics, and game performance, ensuring you maximize your opportunities for a football scholarship. Whether you're a high school athlete or the parent of one, these insights will be invaluable.

Understanding the Essentials

In the world of collegiate athletics, marketing yourself effectively is just as crucial as your performance on the field. It’s about building a compelling narrative through your social media and sports profiles that reflect your skills, achievements, and potential. Here's how you can get started:

  1. Optimize Your Social Media Profile

    Start with updating your profiles on platforms like X, ensuring you include your class, school, position, and contact information. Here are some must-haves:

    • NCAA ID: Include this everywhere, making it easier for coaches to find you.

    • Contact Information: A special email and phone just for recruiting will ensure no communication gets lost.

    • Highlight Your Achievements: Your GPA and SAT scores can be impressive assets if they're strong. However, focus on showcasing key accomplishments that set you apart, like impressive stats or accolades.

  2. Video Content Strategy

    Upload Directly: Instead of simply providing links, directly upload your highlight videos to platforms like X. This ensures ease of access for potential recruiters and keeps them engaged without distractions like ads.

    Structure Your Highlights: Highlight clips should be organized to showcase specific skills. Coaches appreciate a consolidated view, enabling quicker evaluations without unnecessary navigation.

Boosting Your Visibility

Maintaining consistency and relevance in a recruiter's feed is essential. Here’s how to leverage your content further:

  1. Frequent Posting

    Regular posts keep you in recruiters' minds. Whether it's game highlights, workout routines, or practice snippets, consistency is key.

  2. Engaging with Coaches

    Ensure you're tagging relevant coaches in your posts. This maintains your visibility in their feeds and establishes a connection that can lead to further engagement.

Perfecting Your Game Film

Your game film is your direct line to showcasing your talent. Here’s how to make it coach-friendly:

  1. Info Slide Introduction

    Begin your film with an info slide including your school, GPA, NCAA ID, and X handle. Make it easy for coaches to contact you if they admire your talent.

  2. Organize by Plays

    Group similar types of plays together. This structure helps coaches evaluate specific skills quickly without deterring their focus with disorganized content.

  3. Ensure Quality Visibility

    Highlight clips should clearly show outcomes, like the ball passing through uprights, to avoid uncertainty for coaches reviewing your film.

Evaluating Your Potential

Determining your potential division level requires honest assessment. Currently, from junior season highlights, athletes might project at a Division Two level with potential for Division One scholarships. However, development shouldn’t stop here. Strive for continuous improvement, ensuring you’re pushing beyond your current projection.

  1. Work on Operation Time

    The time from snap to contact is crucial. Frequent practice and timing with a coach’s stopwatch will hone this skill, impressing college scouts.

  2. Kickoff and Leg Strength

    Displaying powerful leg strength with deep kickoffs is essential. Scouts often gauge potential based on how far and consistently you can deliver high-quality kickoffs.


Keep in mind that securing a scholarship involves a combination of skill, smart marketing, and effective communication. By optimizing your online presence and perfecting game footage, you open doors to a future where your football aspirations can become reality. Stay dedicated, persistent, and proactive – it’s all part of this thrilling journey toward earning a football scholarship.

Apply To Work 1-on-1 With Richie

Richie's mentorship program provides access to the entire Next Play® protocol for earning a football scholarship, complete with mentorship, coaching, and accountability for your son, thereby ensuring he develops into an elite communicator, leader, and businessman, and ultimately earns a full-ride scholarship.


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